What is it?
Community actors sharing authentic stories and conversations about loneliness from older people in Bristol. Running time of perfomance approx 40 mins ( audience encouraged to stay and have a picnic after)
Why should I come? A chance to meet new people and have a chat with them and the community actors about loneliness , Bristol and any other topics ( unfortunately picnic not provided!)
Where is it? In September 2022 performances held at 12pm and 2pm
19th at acta Garden, Gladstone St, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 3AY
20th at Malcolm X Community Centre, 141 City Road, St Pauls, Bristol BS2 8YH
21st at Owen Square Park, Chelsea Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6AL
22nd at Filwood Community Centre, Barnstaple Road, Bristol BS4 1JP
To attend, no need to book, meet at the entrance to the venue and the audience will walk together to the show For more info please call 07956962422 or email ilop@bs3community.org.uk