Request a Service Provider Account for Well Aware
Are you a community group, event organiser, class, service provider or organisation based in Bristol or South Gloucestershire? Do your activities support the health and wellbeing of local residents? If so, you can request a service provider account with our database provider Open Place Directory which will allow you to create, manage and share your service information on the Well Aware website. Fill in the form below, and if accepted, we will be in touch with your log in details and a how-to guide. Please note, we cannot accept new listing requests from individual residential care homes or for-profit businesses selling products that do not have a physical premises located in Bristol or South Gloucestershire.
View Bristol City Council | Open Place Directory Terms & Conditions
By submitting this form you consent to an account being created on your behalf in the Open Place Directory owned by Bristol City Council and agree to the Terms and Conditions linked above.